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Old 10-13-2012, 08:26 PM   #1
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made me a 10 dollar kayak light pole

And here's how I did it.

Ordered one of these. It's under $10 shipped and I got it in less than a week.

I did some research on it and saw it got good reviews. Waterproof, built nice, and did I say under 10 bucks?

Comes with some cool colored lenses you can switch out. Since I'm using this to fulfill my lighting requirement for the yak, I opted to leave them out.

Here's what the shine of 5 LED bulbs look like with a fresh set of batteries I had lying around. No diffuser cone. Not bad, but it's no Las Vegas either.

And here it is with the cone.

The body fit into a 1" PVC pipe left over from my homemade cart project. I drilled a hole into it, pulled the lanyard through, and wrapped it around snug. Boom instant light pole!

Well, not quite. Wanted to add some bling. I grabbed some extra reflective tape that I've been marking my floats with. Just a minor enhancement for some added safety.

And when I thought I was done I wasn't. I whipped up this turkshead in non other than lobster red. Left a little tag end and made a loop so I can add a leash to it. Didn't want my precious new project to fall over without a little insurance.

And here it is. Straight and to the point, nothing fancy. No DSLR pics and post editing to dramatize it's appearance. Just a simple 10 dollar project I thought I'd share. Hope you enjoyed.

Urban Camo Trident 13
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