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Old 10-14-2012, 09:17 PM   #8
crazyfishnfool's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: sfv
Posts: 72
The trick up there is before you leave your house prep a zip-lock bag w/ 2" to 4" x 3/4" wide squid strips and another zip-lock with the heads and tentacles cut them up in to tiny, tiny, pieces.(the tiny pieces is going to be your chum.) So look for a pocket just on the out side of the kelp grab a piece of kelp and tuck it under your foot to act as a anchor. It doesnt take alot of pieces of chum to get to get any bait fish in the areas attention. You know just 5-8 little pieces sprinkled around the edge of the kelp and you will see the kelp come alive. Calicos are territorial and aggressive once they see bait fish start going after the chum there going to want to eat even if there not hungry. Try 2 or 3 squid strips on your hook w/ a 3/4 egg slider and just drop it down along the edge of the kelp and hold on. if you hit bottom w/ nothing wait a few min. reel up slow and then try again. If nothing after 3-4 drops move on down the kelp and find another pocket. the key is to get the bait fish worked up. At least that whats been working for me. Good luck & Tight lines.
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