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Old 10-15-2012, 03:59 PM   #16
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 6
The Brown Trout Fishing is OK on the north Side but apparently is unreal in the South end of the Lake near Rochester NY.

Anytime in the summer is a good time to fish for Salmon. A lot of guys fish the river mouths in the fall for staging kings but I find the fresh silver kings you can get from May-August fight way harder.. You need to go further offshore but Its worth it.

Rainbows vs Steelhead... Thats a complex subject and even the experts dont always agree.. In the great lakes they are stocked and may even be a hybrid of rainbow and steelhead.. hard to say... they colour up when they get in the river and look more like rainbows..

The main baitfish in the lake are Alewife and there are tons of them. Last time I was out I trolled through a cloud of them the length of a football field and your downrigger rods shake because the line is bumping into them. Its pretty easy to catch them but its actually illegal to use alewife for live bait.. Makes no sense to me.... Anyway since you can only run a cut bait plug I find its just as effective and easier to troll spoons...
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