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Old 10-16-2012, 08:29 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 96
yeah, i hear you guys on that for sure... maybe it's time to turn in the kayak and save for a powered skiff =( i have a lower back injury that acts up when i am strained in physical activities that require twisting motions... i can fish for a while from land and be ok, and fishing from a boat as long as im not dooing too heavy of casting.

the current was actually beautiful while fishing and while going out, no keeper butts but still was spectacular with the ammount of fish i was catching! i would say 1 fish every other drift or so it seemed. so what ever was going on worked! by the time the wind and tide picked up i was screwed... if i didnt decide to head in when i did i would have drifted off pretty far.

what other options do i have to combat this wind/fatigue/ current situation.... a sail? i know nothing of sailing =P but im sure a motor i can do... if i were to put a motor on the kayak, i would also be headed to home depot for the yellow foam insulation spray for buoyancy =)
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