Thread: Maximus 3.5 Day
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Old 10-22-2012, 05:44 PM   #1
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Maximus 3.5 Day

Hey guys! Just got back from puerto Vallarta, hunt'n for some tunas...No not a kayak report but....just a fish'n report, enjoy!

Were back from our first Maximus trip, here is the report as promised....We left LAX on Alaska airlines for our scheduled 2.5 hour flight

Goodbye Los Angeles...! Next Stop Puerto Vallarta...!

We finally made it! After filling out form after form....question after question...passport in...passport check point after check point, body scan...pat on off...wise guy flight attendents....

After surviving the maze of security check points, we get swarmed by an army of.....hotel guys that want you to stay in thier hotel.....after making it thru, I was happy to see that keith was all ready here to greet us with a big smile. After short introductions, it's time for business......found us a cab for all our guys and gear. After a short 10 minute drive....were at the dock...

After unloading our gear we had some down time, the crew was still preparing things for our trip. Kieth suggested we go to a nice little restaurant/bar eddies place a short walk away...

After having a couple of cold mexican beers and some authentic mexican food, we were ready to do some damage on those giant tunas we heard so much about...Back to the dock...there she is the MAXIMUS!!!!!

After loading up all of our gear, we're off...! Here we go!! We asked keith how the previous days trip went...he said they knocked'em dead...but they had some bad weather...there had been a hurricane that just came thru and we were getting the tail end of it. We found out as soon as we left the harbor.

Weather wasn't too bad but it was a bit lumpy and windy....

All of the bait in the tank had died, because of the dirty water coming into the harbor after the hurricane, so we had to make some caballito for bait. It wasn't wide open on the bait but it was a slow steady pick....with the help of the keiths bait guys we topped it off.

The next morning we were excited about what we were about to experience...hopefully...! Take a deep breath....!


Tuna onboard!!!!!

We landed a few tuna here and there, honestly it was slow pick fishing....with alot more fishing.....then all of a sudden Tom hooks up!!!! and it's a real screamer!!!!!

First Cow on the deck!!!! Wow that thing was huge taped out to about 220#s Congrats Tom!

Steve the HOT Stick!!!!

Good ol' Jeff Hooked up!!!!!! Whudya got jeff?

Another one over 200#s!!!!!

One toughest fisherman I have ever seen!!!! Harry Loomis...never gave up or quit! Harry is the real deal! I have alot of respect for that man!

Lee Hooked up!!!!

Ed Getting his ass handed to em' Ed is a good fisherman and a sportboat captain for alot of years. He admitted it...he got his ass kicked!!!!

Congrats Ed on the PB 240#er!!! Me and Eric didn't do too bad either...216#er

Well our adventure over, our mission completed, our icechests full, we are ready and happy to head home...!

Thank you keith and Nicole for making these trips possible! We will be back next year! Hope everybody gets a chance to catch some of these giant tunas someday. To anybody that's going down to fish on the maximus.....get ready to catch some big fish!!!
There's nothing colder than yesterday's hotdog.
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