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Old 11-29-2012, 06:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 2
Yak Attack Black Pak

There has been a bit of a buzz here in Hampton Roads recently about the release of the newest product from the mind at Yak Attack. The Black Pack. To call it a crate is to sell it short. It's a Storage System, and a Mounting Platform.

I feel a little lucky to have not only gotten in on the Black Pak Beta Testing Program, but to have got the new crate in hand a few days early. While in Farmville for work earlier this week, I took some time to stop by Yak Attack Global Headquarters. To my surprise, crate #0003 was ready to ship.

I had some initial reservations about the weight that might be associated with such a substantial box, but the 1/4" Star Board, cuts the weight down, and is more than strong enough to support the crate. One of the things that sets this crate apart from other after market storage options is the quality of construction. The crate is thoughtfully engineered and precisely machined to go together with satisfying detents as pieces lock into place.

The Pak is cavernous in it's storage capacity. So much so, that it has to go sideways in the tankwell on the back of my Trident. Because of this, rod holders mounted on the back side of the box will be a little too far out of reach. Therefore, I intend to mount them inside the crate, held down to not interfere with the lid, but, will wait until I get the yak and the crate on the water to see how things feel.

For anybody else who gets a hold of one of these in their future, I recommend using Luther's instructional video, rather than mine. XMine was just for fun, not instruction. Luther will instruct you to not use a screw gun, but I'm a renegade, and used one anyway. I just made sure I had the clutch set real light.

I'm really looking forward to utilizing the almost 1000 sq. inches of external surface area for custom modifications, additions and stickers.

Yak Attack has consistently put out products that make your kayak fishing experience more enjoyable, and a little bit cooler. This box continues that legacy, but also seems like a new type of product for Yak Attack. XTo me, this seems like the first product that is manufactured and machined at their headquarters. I think their previous offerings were accessories, this seems more like a rigging platform that will seamlessly integrate with all other YA products, or perform admirably on its own. I wish Luther and his company continued success.

In short, this is a bad ass box that looks like it fell off the back of a Blackwater Hummer. I'm looking forward to getting some slime on it. Enjoy the vid!

These crates are going to production now, and would encourage all to check them out when they become available. They are of superior quality, and 100% made in USA!

Thanks for letting me post!

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