Thread: Frayed Lines
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Old 05-31-2007, 06:51 AM   #5
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Hey Wavster, 25lb line should be fine for local fishing, strength wise. As for abrassion resistance, flouro is tougher. But if it's sharks you're hooking you're on the loosing side unless you have wire or VERY heavy flouro. Sea lions don't have the kind of teeth that can abrade line. Sharks will roll in the line and their skin can abrade several yards of line some times. I don't fish for sharks so the faster they bite or rub off the better. If you want to fish for sharks use shark gear. If you get rubbed or bitten off just tell yourself it was a shark, you didn't waste valuable time messing with it, and then retie and go after the right kind. If you do get a suspected shark rub or bite off make sure to check you line for several yards or more above the end to make sure you're not fishing with damaged line. Mike
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