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Old 01-08-2013, 07:03 PM   #1
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Why left hand wind on spinners and right hand wind on casters?

I just know this has been discussed here before....but anyhoo; I'm right handed grew up fishing spinners and have been fishing casters for 10+ years. I have often thought about this but never to much to really care. The other day while fishing calico's with my right hand wind Luna I kept getting hit either right at the surface while my rod was still in my right hand or on the drop just off bottom while thumbing my spool with my right thumb while my rod is still in my right hand. Obviously this has happened to me many times before....(throwing a surface jig and getting hit right when it hits water)...blah, blah, blah...I can't get use to it...there's always that awkward half second where I feel like I got caught with pants down while I'm hurrying to get the rod to my left hand and get the reel in gear with my right. Anyway, I happened to be fishing with my father in law who happens to be left handed...I look over at him while in one of the aforementioned awkward moments and say; "Man, I almost wish I had a left hand wind reel right now!" He just laughs at me...I look down at his hands and notice he's fishing a right hand wind Sealine. I quickly think...hold on he's left I ask; "Why do you wind with your right hand?' He looks at me and laughs and says; "I grew up casting with my left and winding with my right, why would the style of reel change what hand I wind with? I've always laughed at you idiots that go back and forth and fumble the rod between hands during crucial moments." I laugh and think to myself; Is he right?
Soooo, why do we hassle with passing the rod from one hand to the other? Why not just keep it in our right hand and reel with our left just as we always have? Are we somehow programmed to think we must wind a caster with our right hand and a spinner with our left? How? Who set these defaults and why? How many of you rightys have even tried a left hand wind caster? I know I haven' default hasn't allowed it...haha
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