Thread: la jolla report
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Old 01-09-2013, 08:25 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Cbad Mike View Post
Good to see you made it out the second time.
I launched after you first left. While I was wading out timing the waves a big set came in and as I was backing up a little I tripped and got my back wet. Some water went down the back of my waders
I started again and watched the waves but as you know they were kinda unpredictable. When I thought it was good to go I went.
As soon as I committed the water turned into a washing machine
I kept my kayak heading in the right direction and got a face full of water punching though the second wave.
I was just on the verge of thinking I made it when I saw a big wave quickly forming in front of me. It broke and started pushing me backwards I kept paddling hard (I wasn't going to make the same mistake that I did in Carlsbad when I rolled backwards). I dug my paddle in a few times and made it through the whitewater.
I was wet and paddling my ass off when I saw a smaller wave beginning to crest with a very BIG one forming right behind it.
I remember saying "don't break, don't break" out loud as I paddled into it and up it. The front of my kayak was out of the water big time as I just made it over. As soon as it smacked down the very BIG wave that was behind it started to break . The full force of the wave came down between my feet and the front of my kayak. I instantly was under the water. It was like my kayak just got yanked out from underneath me.
I was completely under water and couldn't touch the bottom when I reached up and grabbed the side of my kayak. It didn't flip and was getting pulled backwards and I some how was able to grab the front handle before my head was even above the water. I knew without thinking to keep the the kayak between me and the beach so I wouldn't get hit by it. As another wave hit me I held on to the front handle as tight as I could and let the kayak pull me toward the beach and shallower water. In about 4 feet of water I got knocked off my feet by a wave but still held the front handle and popped up in about 2 feet. Every step I took felt like I had cement shoes on because my waders filled up with water. When I got onto the sand I realized that I still was holding my paddle, I never let it go.
A surfer grabbed my kayak from me and drug it up on the beach. He said "man, you got hit by a huge wave!" and all I could say was "yep" and thanks for the help.
I was exhausted! The legs of my waders were full of water and my sweat shirt weighed probably 20 pounds. It took me a little while sitting on the side of my kayak to catch my breath.
Anyway I really didn't have the option or energy to try again so I packed up and began my cold drive home.

To the guy who posted about losing his lucky hat at the launch the other day... I checked under the water for it but didn't see it.
Were you wearing a pfd or jacket over your waders? That and a belt is usually enough to keep them from filling up.
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