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Old 06-05-2007, 09:11 PM   #13
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Carlsbad, CA
Posts: 44
Maybe the captains are pissed that are their ex-clients decided to buy kayaks and actually catch big fish rather than the occasional calico, sandie, and baracuda How many 30+ lb WSB's are those guys pulling in?

On a serious note, I have not yet had the experience of getting buzzed, but I typically stay away from them when I can. They rarely stay in one place long. If they do come my way the camera will be ready. I would be hard pressed not to throw a their way.

I am a real mellow guy, but when it comes to the safety of myself, family, and others I have a real problem with that.

I say we just watch each others backs, get the cameras out, and continue to report these jerks. Just like they stopped the people from jumping off the cliffs at La Jolla by patrolling, it will not take long for someone with the proper authority to witness one of these events and take the appropriate action. In fact I would like to put one of the CG guys in a yak for a couple of weekends to see what happens.

Just a thought.
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