Thread: 6/05 AM
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Old 06-05-2007, 09:38 PM   #14
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Posts: 10
Can't defend them anymore

Used to defend the occasional incident given I used to fish and scrub on those boats and I know how hard it is to swing a 95 foot boat on the anchor. I always stay well out of casting range and paddle way around them even if they are setting anchor near where I am making bait or fishing.

My perspecitive changed last season when I had carefully stayed out of the way of the Dolphin, but the Dolphin clearly when out of it's way after pulling anchor to charge right up behind me before turning. It was so close it wraped my trolling lines on it's prop, spinning my yak violently. I called the landing immediately as I still know the number and told them what happened and asked them to tell the owner and the skipper what they had just done to one of their customers. Wish I had called my buddy who was a high level Coast Guard Master Cheif in San Diego at the time. The Dolphin was cool around us all on Saturday AM from what I saw. If that shyte happens again I will report it from the water and consider meeting the boat on the dock. An attempte at a citizen's arrest would make a point and be F'N cool!
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