Thread: Painted the YAK
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Old 02-14-2013, 09:30 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by PapaDave View Post
Very nice.

I've been wanting to do a camo paint on my PA for awhile now.


- What is the camo netting and where can one find it?
- Can you give a little more detail of how you used the netting in the process?
I bought some camouflage netting a while ago and had never used it so why not use it to paint and I can always spray paint it back to other "natural" colors later. Camo netting the size I have can get a little pricey but I would be more than willing to let some one use it of they had big job to paint. I basically sanded the old stuff down and painted a base coat of grey then let it dry for 5 hours or so then layed the netting over the kayak and sprayed it with all the colors (black, white, blue) in random places and on top of eachother and the holes in the camo netting make the pattern and its completly random then you just pull it off and blend the spots wirh blothes or by lightly Dusting it or with stripes. So many options. If you have any more questions you can pm me

Last edited by madncrzydm; 02-14-2013 at 09:49 AM.
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