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Old 03-11-2013, 04:08 PM   #3
silentviper's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 41
This past summer my family did a road trip to mammoth and as we arrived to the condo the neighbor came outside to find all of his gear stolen out of the back of his truck, asked the SnowCreek office if this was common and they said very much so. Needless to say that was disconcerting. So we went to the store and found bike locks that are 1/2" cable by 6' long, and strung a few of those together through scuppers and when we could through U-bolts welded that were conveniently already welded to my truck. didn't have an issue and had another last resort incase I had a strap fail like i have had before. If you are bringing multiple yaks, i personally recommend stringing them together so they are too big and bulky for Scumbag steve and his friend to pick up in their drunken shenanigans (The trip aforementioned we had 4 kayaks locked together, easily breaking 400 lbs because or pro anglers and gear stuffed inside the middle two), but attaching them to the truck goes a long way too.
my $0.02

i need to find pictures of these trips i cram 4-6 kayaks in the bed of my truck without a rack
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