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Old 03-31-2013, 12:33 PM   #5
Croaker Dave
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Over the years I have learned to protect my back while kayaking. Or pay a price. I'm bone-on-bone in two of my vertebrae. I'm trying to find ways live with it and avoid surgery as long as I can.

Loading and unloading: I use a set of hully rollers on the roof rack. I only have to lift the front end of the yak onto the back edge of the roof, then go to back of the yak and roll it onto the roof with an easy push.

Setup and takedown: Deliberate and slow, avoid bending over and horseing the yak around. It's when I rush that I start straining the back.

For moving the yak around, in and out of garage or cleaning, I use one of those padded leg straps attached to the eyelets and lift and carry with that.

For paddling I have to remind myself to keep the back up against the seat and supported. When I forget it will start to hurt.

And I always take an anti-inflam pill before going. Celebrex, Meloxicam, something like that. That helps a lot.

Everyone's back injuries are different and have different symptoms and treatments. Understanding your own as much as possible is key.
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