Thread: WSB South OC
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Old 05-12-2013, 10:27 AM   #34
CalicoCody's Avatar
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Originally Posted by FishNinjaY View Post
What's the best way to fish bait out in the deeper waters like the canyons? What are you targeting? I know in the canyons, people are hunting the threshers.. which I'm not really looking to mess with just yet...

What about ?

How do you best rig your bait? Flyline it? Collar hook? I got the impression these are best thrown near kelp areas?

Thanks for any tips.

CC... sorry for the slow day. At least you got out there yesterday! I'm still trying to figure Newport out. I'm hoping next weekend sometime, and for sure Memorial Day looks good.
I was looking for rockfish in the deep water. Didnt see any on the sonar. I havent targeted them from my yak yet, only on skiffs/passenger boats. I fish heavy weights in deep water (8oz all the way up to 1 pound or more if the current is moving) as for bait I have used live squid frozen squid and sardines and all produce equally well.

As for the seabass- again, I don't have much experience but I DO know that if you troll your baits you want them down low in the water column... so you would tie a torpedo sinker to your main line with your leader off of that or you can use a sliding egg sinker too I suppose. I would nose hook the bait, collar hooking might work too. And if you found and made live squid, fish it near the squid beds with your bait suspended a couple feet off the bottom. Pin two on a heavy glow/white jig and hold on when something takes it. This is all stuff I have read from other people's experience and how-to articles and such... if anyone else has info that they are willing to share please chime in.

I really want to go back out... next Saturday would be cool- I am down with anywhere. I am unavailable on the saturday of memorial day weekend but sunday would work. I went to cabrillo this morning and thought it'd be a great sunny day like yesterday... I woke up to the sun peeking thru the blinds at 5:45 packed a lunch and got to the ramp at a little before 7 and the visibility was 100 yards at best due to fog so I turned around and came home and now it's gorgeous outside this weekend wasn't meant to be!
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