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Old 06-17-2013, 04:50 PM   #15
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Use it or loose it.

I think about this a lot. I'll be 53 shortly, most of my friends that are my age are giving things up, afraid of injuring themselves, getting out of shape, and generally pretty miserable.

I kayak and cycle. I'll be honest if I stop even for a few months I get out of shape and with cycling there's a huge difference in my ability and performance. It seems the older I get the faster I loose ability so basically I have to keep doing it.

I think part of growing old is purely mental, you think your old, you act old, you are old. It's like over eating, or feeling lethargic, there is a part of me that wants to sleep in, sit around drink beer, or watch TV all day, but I know better, and the more I'm out there pushing my limits the healthier I am and the better I feel.

My dad had his first heart attack at 44, everyone in my immediate family that's still alive (my parents are both dead) have some health issues. Overweight, high blood pressure, things that have required repeated doctor visits and even major surgery in the last five years. I'm the same weight I was in high school, I wear the same jeans, and I have not been a doctor in fifteen years, and that was only because I almost cut off my finger with a bandsaw.

People often think I'm in my late 30s or early 40s, I kid you not. Usually at night after drinking with poor lighting but it happens. I think that's because I do the things I love, and they keep me healthy.

If your back hurts maybe you could try a different style of Kayak or another seat. Perhaps paddling would be a better option for you because it will strengthen your arms and back. Years ago I had a bad fall rock climbing that damaged my back, and I also have problems with my back due to some spinal curvature issues that I've had since birth. Almost every morning I wake up with some back pain but I've found the best thing for it is to use those muscles and keep in shape.

Just my take though. You got a few years on me, but I'm thinking they are going to have to pull the paddle from my cold dead hands.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 06-18-2013 at 09:04 AM.
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