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Old 06-20-2013, 05:36 AM   #11
Big Wave Dave
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: San Diego
Posts: 137
I've got to tell you about my first surf launch. I had a rented scupper pro and tried to go out from Pescado Beach in OB. I filipped over at least four times trying to get out. A girl brought out a lawn chair from her apartment to watch. She was laughing hysterically. Each time I flipped, I was washed into the rocks and had to put my gear back in place. I had a milk crate bungied to the back with rod holders on it. Finally got out and spent the day fishing.
Coming back in, I noticed that the surf had really picked up. I pulled up outside the break and there were a bunch of surfers there looking at me like I was crazy. They were telling me I'd never make it. I watched the sets for awhile and made a break for it. I made it in paddling for all I was worth and a wave pushed me right up onto the beach. This guy there was amazed and asked if I was a professional. I told him he should have seen me heading out. He was so impressed he helped me carry the yak to my car. Never tried to launch there again.
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