Thread: HB Flats
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Old 07-03-2013, 02:50 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 367
HB Flats

Went out off the flats with my friend Steve today. We were headed towards the fleet when Steve hooks up a mackerel and we were surprised since we have not had much luck making them in the HB cliffs area for a while. We were still pretty far inshore from the fleet but steve decides to put one down since there are bait balls all around us. Within about 5 minutes Steve's clicker is singing, he yells at me "big head shakes" and we knew it was probably the right kind. After about 30 seconds of running the line goes slack and he reels in a mac head, it had bit through the mackerel. He has caught several thresher's and assured me it was a different fish. The macs we made were pretty large so it doesn't surprise me that it didn't get eaten all the way. The surprising part was that we weren't even close to the fleet. We decided to slowly troll mac's towards the armada and as we got to the edge Steve said "why should we go where everyone else is? Lets try to find our own fish." After seeing that run it made sense so we went back to the first area and just soaked macs for a while with no luck. We went closer to the surf and I just could not buy a bite. I wonder if the squid were still at the flats and if anything was chewing out there. Steve broke off on three Leos close to the surf, he had the hot not so hot stick today
Tis the season, find some bait and you will find some fish
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