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Old 07-23-2007, 08:21 AM   #18
soulwinner's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5
Outstanding catch gary way to go! I usually rig the bounce ball off the bow and carolina rig way behind. The bounce ball tangles alot so it keeps you busy never boring just annoying. I made my own bounce rigs with coated wire with snaps at every connection for easy untangling. when using live macks on the bounce rig I recommend cutting the tail off and stunning the bait this will cut down on some off the tangles. I find most fish easy to fillet its when you try to steak them ie yt or wsb if you dont hit the soft spots between the spinal column you have to break out the sawsall to get thru the bone. Regarless the clean up sucks thats why I usally give my fish to my family or friends they love it. Big flatties are rare and require alot off time Hunting for them most people dont have the patience, I would rather catch one big flattie than multiple yt accept for yellows on the surface iron now thats hard to beat congrats.
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