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Old 07-11-2013, 09:39 PM   #15
CR Yaker
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Originally Posted by taggermike View Post
You seam to be asking a very technical question. The increased in drag of a AI vs the drag caused by a single haul kayak?? I hav fished from an AI and it does take more to move it sideways though the water. Certainly there is a time when an increase in drag on the reel will lock the reel and put all force in to moving the boat. Not proud to say but this spring I hooked a dolphin on 40 lb. I locked my hand down on the reel, stopped all line from coming off the reel, and could not break him off. He did slow down but just dragged the yak side ways. I actually dragged the kayak up to him and cut off with less line out. Laterally is one thing but If the fish is straite under the boat then drag of boat through the water is out of the equation. Any way, how much drag to you want fish on what lb line? Are you going to set a lever drag's drag with a scaLe and then never adgust it? Don't worry about numersN just put good presure on and kill the fish. Mike
Thanks Mike for sharing that. Your right, lighter setups will work fine. Just that I'm here in the States now and would like to load up with the gear to get the job done as effectively as possible on the AI for the next year. I'm thinking of stepping up from the Avet JX's with 65lb braid to a LX Raptor with 80lb braid. I'll set it for 30lb full and about 20lb strike. This reel will give me plenty of beef for the game I'm after.
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