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Old 07-15-2013, 12:30 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Encinitas
Posts: 257
I was out Saturday as well. Pretty much the same report. I did see a few squid being brought up one-by-one, but no such luck for me and I am not sure what my Elite 4 would mark squid as. Got a few macks here and there but they were tough to come by and this I heard from other yaks as well.

Trolled macks on the 2oz for nada.
I saw the bait fish as well scurrying on the water so threw the surface iron for nada.

Water warm at around 69, smooth texture with not a lot of wind up til about 10:30am where it picked up but not that bad.

Current was interesting where it was pushing me pretty fast southeast which I thought was unusual so a good southbound current about 10-1pm.

Managed one short calico about noon and that is all to write home about.
Good times regardless.
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