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Old 07-15-2013, 02:13 PM   #4
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PA Rescue Ladder

Came across this idea from another dude on the hobie forum. Looked like a great way for re-entering your PA. All it is is rope attached to some kind of pipe, then that's attached to the back handle of the PA.

I tested this on Saturday and it worked great! Climbing on the PA from the rear seems to be the easiest way to get back least for me it is. Is the ladder necessary to get back it sure makes it a hell of a lot easier. I would imagine with waders full of water...anyway to make it easier could be a life saver.

In order for this to work, after you fall in the have to swim over to the rear handle, give a sharp tug to the ladder, it will release from the bungee. You let the ladder hang down in the water, then you grab the PA back handle with both hands pull down and lift yourself up. As you are holding yourself up put one foot then the other on the ladder, lean forward, and your body weight should shift forward, and your back on. Then at that point you just climb back to the front seating position.

Stowed Position

Deployed Position
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