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Old 07-24-2013, 08:03 PM   #26
Posts: n/a
I wish I could explain to you how much more amplified the stoke is when you go out and find your own fish rather than just hearing "Hey, the fish are biting" and you luck into one.

It took a year to get my first one, but I got it on a bite that was going strong for almost a month. It felt awesome, but it didn't feel "earned." Six months later we had fished for 2 weeks straight skunking out, no other kayaks in sight. We worked the grid, did our homework and ended up catching some nice big YT. Those fish felt so much more deserved because of the work we put into it. Those fish and that report never saw the internet.

Lately, the constant demand for fishing reports feels like we are all doing the same group school project but only some of the people are putting in the time to complete the assignment; while others are just expecting to get a good grade as the expense of others hard work.
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