Thread: LJ 7/30
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Old 07-31-2013, 10:29 AM   #1
Cbad Mike
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LJ 7/30

Launched at 5 to knee high waves and flat conditions. Headed out to the squid boat that was anchored to try to use its lights to catch squirts which didn't work. I brought some frozen ones to drop down while trying to bring live ones up. As soon as they hit bottom the heads got bitten off by Mackerel. I was able to bring up one here and one there and decided to save them for a more squid friendly area. They were hard to catch until I got right on top of the small clusters and then it was 2-3 at a time. The Mackerel were so aggressive that I caught 4 on my squid jig and even caught 2 when they swallowed my 3 oz weight.
Met up with some friends and had more laughs than bites. Paddled around with the masses until heading out to try for some Rock fish. That didn't work either so back in we went.
I stayed on the water till about 3 because it was such a beautiful day but fishing kinda sucked.
I saw only 2 fish caught and one was a HUGE Mola that isn't my story to tell.
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