Thread: LJ Monday
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Old 08-06-2007, 03:41 PM   #1
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LJ Monday

My 5 year old daughter has been asking me to take her fishing for a while. So today was the day. Got to the shores at around 7:30, set up, got her in the x-tream gator seat and off we went. I wish she could have seen more but it was rather quiet out there. Bait was tough, We managed 2 spanish and 4 smelt and paddled for the NW corner. There was plenty of bait out there and it seamed to be feeding on the same food as hundreds of tiny plovers? Any way small birds that look like sand pipers were pecking at the water. They were almost always over the bait. Finally after a few hours of nothing but my girl tearing in to a bag of cookies the bonito put on a real show. There were foamers every where, anchovies going air born, and bonies crashing just a few yards off the side of the yak. Her eyes were huge. I got an iron in to the chaos and handed it off. A 3 lb bonie is a hand full for a 5 year old. We picked up a decent calico in the kelp and a couple of just short cuda and headed in. It didn't look to comfy to me but my girl got in about a 45 minute nap while I paddled in. Fun trip, she was a great sport even wit the slow fishing, and I appologize for still being in the stone age and not owning a digital camera. Mike
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