Thread: SUP fishing?
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Old 08-13-2013, 03:21 PM   #9
Patrick.walker5326's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Pacific Beach
Posts: 8
I bought a discounted racing/ touring SUP from YOLO boards in point loma and have been fishing from that several times in mission bay. I went with that board because it has a displacement bow for longer paddles and it is wider than most racing boards (29") thus more stable. OEX sells 3M deck pads that you can put pretty much anywhere on a board to customize it for deck storage. I even went to west marine and built my own live well for my sup out of a cooler and a battery aerator. I have to manually recirculate water but it works pretty well. I also added two rod holders and paddle clips to the cooler. It's a great way to get in a couple hours on the water without all the pre-op/ post-op associated with kayak fishing.
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