Thread: Soft Sand
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Old 08-17-2013, 04:58 PM   #33
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Maxtrax work very well indeed. Use them as a shovel first too to get under the tires. There are a few problems at the LJ launch.
Most don't realize this but there are STOP signs in both directions located right at the seam between the pavement and the sand. If you could just carry a little speed on/off the sand, most vehicles would be OK. However, once you stop you're pretty well stuck.
Combine that with the fact that clueless pedestrians, that don't realize that they're walking in an active boat launch, cruise right down the lanes and cause drivers to lift off the accelerator.
Add to that vehicles that have no place being there. Yes, there are folks that do very well with the tiniest 2WD cars, but they are locals that do this very often.
A medium sized truck with smoother tires for a quieter ride are el-sinko too.
An alternative to Maxtrax that also works pretty well is a 4' section of chain-link fencing. Rolls up pretty small, and can be easily tossed in a trunk/truckbed. Rinse off easily and have them ready for next time.
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