Thread: Free Prowler 13
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Old 08-18-2013, 08:14 PM   #34
Here fishy fishy fishy...
addicted2sp33d's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 774
Wanted to thank you guys for being so awesome.

Phillip is trying to figure out why he can't post on this forum, but his user name is KNOTTx.

I saw this post in my first-thing-in-the-morning troll of this forum, and immediately sent Phillip a message to get in touch with you. I suggested to do it fast, knowing how many military types frequent this board.

At first there were some concerns, but I just told him that this forum is not like other places on the Internet and is generally filled with awesome and honorable people who just want to kayak-fish and have a good time.

Thanks again for being a great bunch of people.

And you guys are right, this Kayak is totally fishy.

I took him out to Oceanside Harbor (and a little-bit beyond) this past Saturday.

For the first half of the day, I took my FnD, Phillip and his girlfriend took my tandem, and our friend James took Phillip's new Prowler.

We got to the harbor around 7:00A and launched from the docks just North of the Mini-Pier and made a bee-line straight for the bouy about 1/4 mile outside the outer breakwater.

The water could not have been flatter. No wind, no waves, just glass smooth.

On this Phillip's Prowler, James immediately caught a crab... Deadliest Catch. The little guy just had the bait in his claws and didn't let go until it was too late.

We didn't have any other activity all morning, but we did get some taps and some stolen baits. Then the wind started picking up and Phillip's gf got terribly seasick. To her credit, she tried to fight through it.

She chummed the water a bit and wanted OFF. At that point, we came back into the harbor and dropped her off at the dock. James and Phillip switched yaks and Phillip finally got to try out his new ride.

For the rest of the day, we caught two leopard sharks in the "outer" harbor, and they may have been the same little leopard. They looked damn-near identical.

All-In-All, not too many fish caught, but we all still had a good time, and Phillip is already talking about getting out to La Jolla Kelp. I think we have another convert!

Thanks again for being such great people!

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