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Old 08-31-2013, 09:51 AM   #1
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I hate to say this but 99% of the claims in that article are just absolute bullshit.

I've seen a ton of these bogus articles circulated around the web. Every day I see more. People love good scary stories.

I mean seriously claims like the one they make that radiation is killing pup sea lions in California because there has been a 10% increase in their infant mortality rate are ridiculous. The mortality has risen from 35% to 45% but that is directly associated with baitifish (food) scarcity around certain seal rockeries, and it's common knowledge that seal mothers to abandon their pups in times of food scarcity and current populations are so high there are food shortages around most of the big rookeries.

Originally these stories were mostly usually associated with websites that support a vegan lifestyle. I'd say they are more about trying to get people to not eat fish then any real health concerns here in California.
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