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Old 08-31-2013, 10:29 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Hobie-Pedaller View Post
comparing a fart, to 2-1/2 years AND COUNTING, of CONTINUAL leaking radioactive water, flowing out of the reactor site, is both comical & absurd.
They claim that there is 300 to 450 tons a day of waste water leaking into the Pacific. First off that claim is a lie. At one point someone estimated that on a single day when they had containment failure that amount of water might of leaked but that was just one day fairly recently and there's no way that is happening every day.

Think about this a minute. There are 240 gallons in a ton so they're talking roughly 100 thousand gallons. Sounds like a lot, and it is. Know what a acre foot is? It's the amount of water it would take to cover a acre of land a foot deep. Something like 320 thousand gallons. So were talking about a third of that each day, which is the size of a small shallow lake.

OK I'll bite where's all that water supposed to be coming from? 100 thousand gallons a day is million gallons every ten days. 36.5 million gallons a year. Lots' of water. I mean is there like a huge lake there I've not seen? Are they pumping that much water into there through pumps from the Ocean? Someone left a fire hose or two on for several years now? Have you considered how hard it would be to even move that much radioactive water in a single day or for several years?

Let's pretend it's true though.

Have you consider that something like 2/3 of the whole planets water is in the Pacific Ocean.

187,189,915,062,857,142,857 Gallons.

So the ratio of dirty water to clean is something insane like 1 to 1871899150628570

Perhaps someone can figure out how to make that fraction into a percentage, I'm not even going to try, but I can assure you that the amount of contaminated water, to clean water in the Pacific is a very very very small percentage.

Yet people want to tell me that my Halibut is radioactive, and I'm eating radiation from Japan. I find it hard to believe. In fact I would be amazed if a single particle of the radioactive waste ever makes into my body through fish consumption just because the Pacific is so big.

You ever hear of the AN602 hydrogen Bomb the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated? Soviets blew it up in the artic ocean during my lifetime. It's power was equivalent to roughly 3000 Hiroshima bombs and it's fireball was something like 10 miles in diameter. It shook the whole planet, it's cloud went right up to space, It was big ugly and scared the hell out of everyone.

People said it was going to poison the whole planet, but you know what? We're still here.

Before that the US alone did 331 above ground tests many of which were in the Pacific at the Bikini atoll. The French did over fifty above ground tests mostly in Pacific at Polynesia. Which do you think puts more radiation into the Pacific, a 100 thermonuclear warheads or 100 thousand gallons of waste water?

You're right comparing a fart, to 2-1/2 years leaking radioactive water, flowing out of the reactor site, is both comical & absurd, but only because the volume of a fart compared to the scale of an average room is much much larger in percentage to the total volume by over a thousand fold.

If you took an eyedropper of that same contaminated water and dropped a single drop into Lake Mead you'd probably be creating a higher concentration of radioactive material in the water then you could get from dropping that 450 tons into the whole of the Pacific.

You see it's simply about scale. You couldn't run enough water through that plant in a hundred years to produce the levels of radiation off the California that's being claimed in that article.

Physical impossibility, is not happening, can't be done. Can't be true.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 08-31-2013 at 04:54 PM.
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