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Old 08-31-2013, 02:20 PM   #1
socal_matt's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 123
Got Some Stripes

These were the good ones, not the white one that sends people home with their head down.

I headed out of Newport today in hopes of redeeming myself from getting shut out by the fog a week ago. Got on the water around 8 and it was one of the glassiest mornings I've seen yet, the swell wasn't that flat but the ocean just looked like a mirror. It was a pretty cool sight. It was already almost 80 degrees outside but I was set with a big straw hat and some cold beverages.

I had brought my GoPro but it shut off before I started catching some good fish. I had found a good rockfish school early on but I had trouble making them stick with my lure and squid combo, so I went back to basics and used my older Penn 500 with a 1 hook dropper setup with squid strips. That setup worked pretty well, I found that I was on a school of Barberpole Rockfish and literally every drop was getting some big hits by them. Brought up 5 ranging from .5 lbs to 1.5 lbs. Also got a surprise Treefish in the batch too, it was my new PB treefish weighing in at 1.2 lbs.

Then I headed in around 11 since I lost track of the school. It was still pretty glassy at this time too. I was surprised that no one else was fishing this spot today with the conditions being the way they were. There was a little current that helped a bit too. Anyways, it was a pretty good day. Nothing spectacular but I will still mark it as one of my better days fishing. I now have some tasty treats that need to be cooked up.
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There's no such thing as overkill, its just called being prepared for the best.
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