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Old 09-13-2013, 05:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Laguna Niguel
Posts: 89
HOLY MOLA - Newport report

Launched Wed. from CG station at Newport. Although I've never caught any reds I thought I'd try my luck. So I headed out about a mile or so into 160-190 ft. of water. I don't actually know if this is the right area or not, but from what some of the other posts have indicated I thought I was at least in the right vicinity. The FF showed nada as I went all through the area with frozen squid as the faire du jour. Oh well, still a beautiful, calm day.

Then off in the distance I see a fin working on top of the water. I'm thinking shark. So I make my way toward it and as I got close to it the sun was kind of glaring on it, but it looked just like a great white's head. I thought, ah not so bright of an idea. But as I got along side it I saw a pretty big freakin' mola.

I looked it up and it also goes by sunfish. Didn't know any were around this area. Do people catch these? Are they edible? I managed a pic.
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