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Old 09-24-2013, 06:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by blackcloud9 View Post
La Jolla is usually pretty quiet. I hit LJ 99% of the time.

On the opener (Saturday) evenings from the Point to the Bird Rock MLPA,
I saw two sets of hoop nets last year, and maybe one set the year
before. So there should be "plenty of room" to drop a few nets.

From the stories I've heard, the harbor jetties are a madhouse ... but can
be great.

Although I think this year many more guys are still getting their fill of boat
use and fishing time on the offshore fishing bonanza which hasn't
happened like this in quite a few years - hooping likely less popular this year.

While open ocean is very interesting at night, when the fog rolls in and I
can't see the bow of my kayak - I will be HAPPY NOT to be sharing the
water with Container Ships, Aircraft Carriers, and a bunch of speeding

So I hit LJ 99% of the time. Colder water years can be tough. Some years
have been great. The lobster packs move around day to day, seems there
is no one area in which they are concentrated every night.

Bad News: Commercial traps/pressure, drifting grass/kelp, lots of
shorts, eels, and ISOPODS eat thru your bait, you will see big sharks,
its very dark, and, landing in surf.

Good News: Very few seals.

Here's to a good year! Good LUCK!

Thanks for this very good info. I hopefully will be hitting lj opening weekend if I can get my hoops together
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