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Old 09-25-2013, 07:02 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Lancaster, CA
Posts: 345
6 year old first time out

I have finally talked my 6 year old into venturing out on the yak with me to do some fishing. I was curious about where to fish and what to fish for since it's his first time? I was going to just take him around the harbor and get his fill of catching dines or macs but he has made it clear he wants to catch something he can bring home and eat. So that also ruled out bass as I'd rather not bring home bass from inside or around the harbor. I was looking at reports regarding Redondo and people have made mention of dabs just outside by the canyon. Is that probably my safest bet? I should also make it known that I live near Valencia so trekking down to Sand Diego or LJ isn't really ideal. I'm open to anything from Ventura to the Newport area. I just want him to have fun and get him on some fish, drifting for halibut wasn't exactly a sure thing and I wanted to get him hooked for desire to make future trips with his dad. Thank you in advance for any input, and I apologize if I have over thought this whole thing.
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