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Old 11-21-2013, 12:21 PM   #102
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by StinkyMatt View Post
Guys, get a life and quit posting this dumb crap.
I hear that.

I used to make fun of political blogs and the various ways they misinform the partisan extremists in order to sway elections. My take was that this would eventually cause a reality gap where the people who believed the total crap these sites put out would eventually come across as misinformed idiots, and as a result marginalize themselves. In that light is seems we now have a whole other set of false news sources that are pandering to the general public that make those blogs look like the New York Times.

Upworthy, USAHITMAN, WorldtruthTV, Viralnova, freedomshammer, (just to name a few posted on facebook this morning) along with hundreds of these non-news drama source sites are putting out total nonsense. Cutting and pasting together plagiarized material and made up trash to create a truthy mix of facts and fiction to create hits through direct misinformation.

The result is a wildly misinformed public that believes all kinds of insane bullshit.

At best this is just pure greed. Obviously the people behind these sites make money spreading this misinformation. At worst these sites could be well be funded by business interests that would benefit by a dumbed down, scientifically illiterate population, that's less concerned with the realities like day to day pollution, and completely obsessed about useless well hyped fictions.

The truth is London is closer to California then Fukushima. The Pacific is roughly half the size of the planet on the surface and holds almost 2/3rds of the earths water in its depths.

People are saying up to a million gallons of radioactive water has reached Pacific due to Fukushima. Sounds like a lot, but to put that in perspective Irvine lake holds someothing like 35 million gallons of water.

Go to google maps and search out Irvine lake. It's the biggest reservoir in it's county, and it's a decent size. Now zoom out and see how big it is compared to So. Cal or even Catalina, the whole state of California, even the US, and now zoom all the way out and see how big it is compared to the whole Pacific Ocean. Grain of sand on a beach comes to mind.

That may give you some perspective, but that's only looking at the surface area and it doesn't show the tremendous depth of the majority of the Pacific.

If someone really believes that Fukushima has contaminated 2/3rds of the planets water to the point it's toxic enough to make our California fish contaminated. I'd suggest they go to Idaho, dig a big hole in the ground, construct a Doomsday bunker, and crawl in it.

Quite simply it'd be the end of the world. The day 2/3rds the planets water is too toxic to fish from, is the day we're doomed and humanity is done.

Speaking of digging holes.

Originally Posted by kluts View Post
I went to all the other world news agencies
Impressive!!! I admit I have not looked at ALL the news sources in relation to this and even if I had ALL the time in the world probably never could.

Who needs quality when there is quantity.

Originally Posted by kluts View Post
any american news is shut out for some reason
No doubt it's a big conspiracy. Damned scientists are always so sneaky.

Originally Posted by kluts View Post
Japanese dont know what to do with three reactors
Yet they are so good at making electronic devices, toys, and have some experience with radioactive problems .

Originally Posted by kluts View Post
So water it down has been the answer
Cooling with water... who could of seen that coming?

Originally Posted by kluts View Post
With the northern hemisphere ocean currents moving clockwise,The predictions were that the majority of iodine cesium and tritium ingested by the foodchain,should reach the west coast by 2014.Then we can check and see just how bad it is for the west coast......Any further mishaps with the 1500 spent fuel rod removal from reactor no.4 will be the biggest radiation fire the planet has ever seen.....
Thankyou for that impressive in depth analyses. I'm amazed by how you've taking such a complicated situation and boiled it down (no doubt with water) to it's most simplistic of terms.

Originally Posted by kluts View Post
Me?Im watching closely
Thank God for that. Glad you've found such a productive use of you time, and I must say I've always been impressed at your tinacity when it comes to keeping the population informed about disturbing socially realtive subjects and injustices. I'm sure you'll keep posting about this for years to come and keep us all richly informed. Thanks for That!!
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