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Old 12-01-2013, 03:56 AM   #7
Fiskadoro's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 1,509
It's easy to support the current high profile posters like the Team Sewer guys or Mako Bob but I think everyone needs to remember those guys who were the pioneers of the kayaking scene who hardly post at all.

Monkeyfishturds, Klutz, The Great Blumpkin, Roundeye, these were the guys that beat the surf and went out with just a rod a paddle and a rope back in the 80s and 90s and set the gold standard for Kayak fishing.

Kayaker of the year how about a lifetime award.

I know it now seems like these guys are bitter old dudes that don't want anyone else to have a good time. That they do not want anyone to innovate, try new things, share info, or get attention of any sort, or even have any fun at all.

That they lurk here not to help others but to step in and remind us that they are aloof and Godlike, while we are idiots for exchanging info. That all this posting guff is a sham and that the best days of internet info exchange existed before the internet existed.

Yep those days when only they fished their personal playgrounds in glass or inflatable kayaks (plastic had not been invented) and no-one could share info (before the internet) Those were the best days of kayak fishing ever and we all should get back on track and exchange nothing but gripes, barbs and insults for the good of the sport.

I mean all you new guys don't get it. Real fishermen never post jack to help others, and they know they must attack others that do post info.... be it online, on websites they really don't use, at the launch sites, with verbal abuse or even vandalizing vehicles. These are the guys that are willing to go the extra mile for the kayaking community and they deserve your support.

Don't be fooled by friendly faces, events and comradery. Real kayakers know that all the web is good for is attacking the people who actually try to use it to help others.

In this light I nominate all the above as the best posters BWE has ever seen. Please show them your love and support in the upcoming popularity contest.

(Last edited by Fiskadoro to say: "Damn I just hit 1300")

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 12-01-2013 at 05:26 AM.
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