Thread: TJ carjackings
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Old 09-05-2007, 06:45 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Some bad stuff happens everyday in every country, I am glad that everyone made it home safely and alive. I have some pretty sketchy Mexico stories in my past, but I still go down there and the idea that you are safer in just that an "idea".
Matt normally I would agree with the intent of your message. Most yakers are aware of the pros and cons of traveling in baja. This situation is not typical, but very dangerous. You can not say just be a good gringo and it will be fine. This is serious.

No, mex1 between Tj and Maneadero is NOT safer than the USA. Sorry. I'm not bashing the Mexcan people, but the crystal has made it very difficult to let your guard down. I'm not too concerned with federales and policia looking for mordidas. These are armed robbers that will kill you - game over.

Sure this happens all over the US, but we are talking a 70 mile stretch of highway. There's no way this type of activity would continue in the USA for a few weeks as well as the decades it has occurred in Baja.

This is not a issue of race, believe I'm the first one to call "a spade a spade" - I belive it is a drug problem affecting an entire area.
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