Thread: TJ carjackings
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Old 09-05-2007, 07:28 AM   #9
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yea I will not stop in a remote area for an unmarked car. I've never been pulled over while driving by an unmarked car or the AFI. I would proceed to the playas stay on the main road. The station is near the sports stadium.

No I have never been arrested there

Or go to the toll booth. Proceed at a safe legal speed. Your cell phone will be on Telcel GSM - dial ?660? for emergnecy and explain the situation.

My heart goes out to the hard working people of Baja. The cristal is rotting away the small amount of dignity left in such a poor country. Soon these dopers will start ripping off the pesos of the poor.

I've been fotunate in my Baja travels, sometimes my complacency is rocked back into check by stories like these.

I just got word from my friend that this happened to a relative that lives in TJ 3 weeks ago. This type of crime goes mainly unreported. I would guess because of embarrassment.
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