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Old 01-07-2014, 07:54 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by rossman View Post
Early morning, the day after Christmas, Jeff and Bob and Swen and I met close the border and began our caravan to Bahia Asuncion. We lost Swen while traveling through Ensenada but he found us again at our last fuel stop of the day in Guerrero Negro.

We spent the night in Guerrero Negro and had a leisurely 3 hour drive the next morning to reach Bahia Asuncion. Our hostess was Shari who we rented a cabin from in the city of San Rogue which is about 8 miles north of BA. Shari and her husband Juan are the unofficial Chamber of Commerce for this area of Baja. They are regular contributors on some of the other fishing and Baja Forums. Juan, among other things is a guide, and spends a great bit of time in his panga during the day. Shari, a native Canadian, moved to BA and met and married Juan and runs their 7 or 8 room hotel and their campground on the other end of town.

Juan and Shari's home and hotel.

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We went out to our cabin in San Rogue and set up camp.

Attachment 11192
I went on a bit of a recon trip and managed a couple calicos and a couple small halibut.

Juan indicated the the better YT fishing would be around the San Rogue island so decided to beeline out there early the next morning.

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Turned out to be 2.45 miles from the launch to the closest point at the island. I was out there by around 6:15 and found Barries and Bonies stacked like cord wood and quality calicos pretty much everywhere, and a few yellows in the mix.

For the day, I ended up with 20+ calicos, 10+ sandies,7 sheepies, 7 bonies, 6 yellows.

Some assorted fish pictures:

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One yellow was noteworthy as it was my Personal Best. Just over 37 lbs on a spring scale.
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And so it went every day for the next 7 days. I spent most of my time fishing yellows but there was always bi-catch of calicos and barries and Bonies. The hot baits were the Megabaits and Scrambled egg irons.

On the last day of fishing, I managed to get the 2nd PB of the trip. 43.4 lbs on the digital.

Attachment 11200

I had an absolutely outstanding time. The company was great and the food.... You would not believe the meals that Jeff prepared for us using a 2 burner Coleman stove and some rudimentary utensils. When I travel down there alone, my evening meals consists of a Slim Jim and a Vitamin Water and maybe a fruit cup for desert. With Jeff around, it was like dining at a restaurant, or maybe like the food on a long range trip on the Excel. Nicely done Jeff.

That's it for right now. I'll probably add some more stories later on but I need to unpack and clean my truck.
Rossman pretty much summed up our trip. I had some of the best Calico fishing ever, a personal best of 19 1/2 calico and the average calico I caught were 16" to 17". I didn't manage to get a big Yellowtail like Rossamn but I got me share of Yellows but the big one eluded me. At times the barracuda were so thick that it was fish on every cast. I was dubbed the Slime King but the other guys because the barracuda seemed to follow me around. At times I had to move to another location just to get away from the slims so I could target Yellows.
Aside from the outstanding fishing the highlight of the trip was the meals prepared by Jeff (Buddha) They were simply outstanding. A special thanks to Rossman for sharing his fishing knowledge and assisting me. Also a big thanks to Mako Bob for putting this trip together. I look forward to the future Baja or Bust trips
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