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Old 01-23-2014, 06:45 PM   #19
momo fish
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ummm. I would avoid county line.. That is not a place to practice.. Its great for surfers, that should say enough.. Leo is better during high tide, but its very rocky if not.. I would practice near the pier if your going to be in this area but there is plenty of smaller wave beaches closer to your area to practice..

first hand experience at countyline but I was crazy when I started learning to surf launch in 6 foot waves every 10 seconds.. Lol

Originally Posted by WildernessWanker View Post
Drive to County Line, Or Leo, and keep everything out of your yak but the bare essentials. Just launch and paddle out BTB, rest, turn around and land, and then repeat. My first couple trips out were just spent launching and landing to get the feel of the yak and how to handle the conditions. Then after that I would load up the yak and practice the same. Sometimes I did it all in one day, a couple hours empty practicing then a couple hours loaded and then a couple hours fishing. Jim Sammons also has a course geared toward launching and landing which would be an invaluable tool and money well spent. Surf launching can be no joke depending on where you go and requires a specialized approach based on the location, but once accomplished it really opens up your fishable locations and might end up saving you paddle time to some locations due to not having to launch from a protected marina or harbor. Just my 0.02 and the way I did it but I know there are numerous opinions and options.
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