Thread: BWE's New Toy
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Old 10-15-2007, 12:39 PM   #28
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A thing to note - the webcam has an IR, but it's not that great in the pitch darkness. It's OK when the lights on the hotel are on, and I'm hoping it will be somewhat OK with the moonlight. We're yet to see that.

But keep in mind - now that we have this webcam, we can always get more expensive camera and the webserver that can reeeeeally see in the dark... $$$ is the only problem, but if all of us pitch in a little?? I'd be willing

I'm very happy to see the overwhelmingly positive response to the camera.

What it took was:

... a big pile of $$$ provided by OEX. THANK YOU!

... an awesome patronage from La Jolla Shores Hotel. Please remember this and cut down the noise and volume on your stereo when pulling in to launch at 4:00 AM . A ton of emails back and forth, multiple meetings. THANK YOU!

... 5 quotes from different Video Equipment Installation companies. Another ton of emails back and forth, hours on the phone and meetings explaining what's really important that this camera has. Big thanks to DVSS Video Security folks for delivering what we need. Great folks to deal with, professional and dependable. Big thank you to David Lugan -

... hours of configuring it all, days/weeks of test driving and fine tunning.

I'd like to thank to all the folks that helped out with the initial feedback, before it was announced on the board.

I'd also like to thank the WCW gang for being the Guinea pigs once we released it. Muchos gracias.

Brad's concern is a legit but I'd say very very remote.

We initially had the camera pointed more West along those wooden pilings...

Then we decided to move it up and more North, to cover more of the beach and the waterline. Keep in mind that the breaking swell will be moving further and closer to the webcam depending on the tides. We tried to have it pointed so it covers all the tide extremes.

For people that have a problem being on camera when launching and landing - as OEX said, there's a plenty of space closer to wooden pilings that is out of the webcam range. A second or two you'd be on the camera while passing should not be enough time for someone to actually recognize and ID your car, especially in the dark when we're launching most of the time. Be rest assured the camera was not put out there so we can see you - we're interested in swell, waves, wind and the general conditions at the launch. BWE and OEX believe that information is what will be helpful to the kayak fishing community, and that the benefits heavily outweigh the remotely possible bad things.

Personally, I doubt the thieves will be excited that they can now use the webcam to recognize the cars. I can't imagine them being all high tech, getting up at 4:00 AM to sit in front of their computer and "mark" the cars they're going to rob. If they're up for the dirty business, I would think they'd be much more inclined to actually be there at the ramp and see us launching - something we can't prevent anyways.
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