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Old 03-02-2014, 11:13 AM   #8
Big T
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Originally Posted by Casey View Post
our plan was to park the sailboat (That was us over by the bait barge), and work from the kayaks. using the boat to hank out in and be comfortable. We did the same thing last weekend outside the breakwater. I looked at the ocean earlier in the morning and it was not that bad.We stopped off in front of Doheny to check it out @ 4pm and there were waves breaking 300 yards off of shore. (never seen it like that ever). I thought this is not possible but Jettytaco and Juan wanted to give it a shot. So we pulled the boat out of the slip and BAM! The sky opens up with lightning and wind does and 180 degree changes blowin 20+mph. I'm still in jeans and sweatshirt at this point, stuck driving the boat I couldn't get my foul weathers out of the cabin and got soaked. Jetty and Juan dropped there nets and close the harbor and got told not to go out. He took there names and info then drove by me and told me that they would be on there way back.
Wow, gnarly Mothership trip!!! The HarborPatrol took their names or the other way around?

I could totally see me doing that just before the cuffs went on. "Don't tell me I can't go play in the waves! What's your name officer?!!"

I kinda did ruffle their feathers when they told me to move my "traps". I promptly said, "The're hoop nets" I just got a glare and,"You've been warned."

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