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Old 03-02-2014, 01:03 PM   #15
Big T
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So.... I don't normally get into arguments or lash-outs on the internet or anything, but I don't appreciate getting called Dumb or a bone head. Not to mention a boy. That is more appropriately done to my face. Which nobody ever does. You don't know me from Adam (but he's a prick too) and you have NO idea how TAME what I did last night was compared to what I do on a normal basis.

Yes, I am lucky that nothing "bad" happened. I took the risk. And I don't feel it was dumb or a bone head move in the least bit. Risky... yes. Dumb and unprepared, no. To each his own. The same as a white water kayaker takes a risk. Same as any other person that does anything takes a risk just walking out the door. I think launching in sketchy La Jolla surf is way more dangerous than what I did last night. Many more incidents, injuries and way more people doing it.... At night.... Solo. Are they dumb? Bone Heads? Boys? I have gotten quite a bang on the head from landing in ankle-slapper surf but never EVER been injured or even scared for that matter in 10'+ swells.

You're too scared to do it. So be it. Don't go. And your fear of whatever night/storm restrictions they implement on kayakers is your own paranoia.

I've been going out in rough weather for the bugs for a decade. Either on a boat or a kayak. Rarely have an issue. If I do... and I do. I'm prepared and accept the consequences. Consequences that are far minimized by knowledge of the ocean, safety equipment and sense of adventure.

MY $.02

You're right ful-Rac! It really doesn't! But the accomplishment does.
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