Thread: Lake Mead help
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Old 03-16-2014, 10:45 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by battleborn View Post
You will have a blast there. The two major players are the stripped bass and the green ones. you can catch school size strippers all day fishing with the swim baits. You will prob have most success in the grey light. They will push shad up and you will see boils go off. The bigger units will be holding deep and yes brother there are 20+ lb fish in there. Mohave below has 40+ lbers. Most house boaters will be anchored in a cove some where so you should be set with that. Night time is when it gets fun. If you have a submersible light drop that over the edge. Chum with chovies and chunk bait or throw the usually suspects: plastics, rap alas, krocs. Right now for some reason the gizzard shad are getting huge and they are jumping all over I think it was spawning behavior. I did nt see any strippers chasing them. They used to stock trout and the AC types would kill them. That has stopped so I can't say if throwing the big wood would be any good. I have caught plenty on 5 inch rainbow artifishables. Good luck. If you can bring your yak do it plenty of coves to fish.
Thanks battleborn, I'm dying to take the yak but I doubt ill be able to. I suppose I could just tie it off to the boat when I'm not using it
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