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Old 03-16-2014, 04:38 PM   #6
Big T
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Hey... I had this thought... it wasn't a deep thought... Not deep at all.

But... I was thinking that there might be a reward of some sort for the biggest fish of each month submitted. No I don't know what that reward would be... but make it something that gives just a little nudge to at least win the "month" competition and then obviously at the end of the year, all of the monthly winners are compared for a yearly winner.

To discourage the "snipers" make it to where anything submitted after November 15th is only in the running for the yearly bragging rights/reward.

So that if you don't win the yearly WCW award, then you can at least have a smaller "monthly" title. Kinda like a second place thing.

Or as my stepdad would say... "First loser award"
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