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Old 03-20-2014, 01:41 AM   #12
Let's Do This!
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: san diego, ca, usa
Posts: 63
I agree with AlanW, I hate nothing more than cheap gear or gear prone to breaking while fishing. I am not saying all inexpensive gear is cheap or junk, I am just saying "personally" I love experiencing gear that kicks ass at its intended use. IE Seeker, Calstar, Phenix etc.

Also Lifetime warranties are nice, as well as awesome service that you will most likely not experience with less expensive options if you should need it.

I chat with a lot of kayak guys and there is a lot of talk of heavy abuse on gear while yakking....I dont think kayak fishing is any harder on gear than a sport or some private boats. Just be mindful as you transport/use, and maintain your gear and quality stuff lasts a lifetime, that way your not throwing good money away when you treat yourself to good gear.

So in conclusion, Seeker Black Steel G670 7' is one of my fav's for your stated needs, no one rod does everything perfectly but you learn what "you" like for a certain application and lean towards that, me....I like a moderate to fast tip and a light graphite rod so i can feel everything and I don't feel like I have a lead pipe for a rod. All this is personal preference and changes like the wind direction at times over the years, I am no expert, I just know what I like.

As for a jig stick, a 9' stick that loads well will cast far and summon surface fish well. I suggest you go to a tackle shop and pull on 10-15 different rods at different lengths and see what they feel like to you!

but just so people don't start yelling at me.....YES you can catch a fish on anything, even simply line wrapped around a plastic bottle with a hook on the end, but life is too short not to have sweet gear

Good Luck to you!!!!!

Last edited by gunghosd; 03-20-2014 at 02:05 AM.
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