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Old 03-26-2014, 04:17 PM   #4
Big T
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Originally Posted by buddha View Post
Your post in the other thread said the following.

"I'd challenge ANYONE to call my Uncle a racist... He's a highly edjucated Retired Lt. Commander of Seal Teams with all the Vietnam and later honors that goes with that title along with thousands of hours of humanitarian work in Africa and Kuwait. He currently trains corporations on how to "get along" with each other and within the companies themselves..."

Since when did I call your uncle a racist?

You don't get it and never will and I don't appreciate you saying that I need to get a life. It is insulting.

As I said, I have relatives in the military and I would never insult them.
Like I said... when did I EVER say you ran down the military? Re-read my statement. I'm not going to explain to you where you're wrong on this. Figure it out. You're making something out of what I said that isn't there. Same with the boner you have with the word oriental. Something out of nothing.

Since when did I every SAY you called my uncle a racist? I was merely making an example of someone that ISN'T a racist, yet still fits the profile of a racist according to you, simply because he says, "oriental"

Oh... I get it sir. Trust me. Way more than you realize.

You may not appreciate my comment, but if it's not true and you really DO have a life, then why are you offended?? Should be like water off a duck's back to you if it's not true.... Right? And maybe I don't appreciate you saying that because I'm uneducated, that I need to be quiet.

And congratulation on having patriots in your family... But that does NOT mean it prevents you from running down the military. Not that you ever would of course. Just sayin'
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