Thread: Lake Mead help
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Old 03-27-2014, 06:51 AM   #15
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So without saying too much..... I had a blast! The houseboat was awesome, water was crystal clear, ate s#$t trying to waterski, and caught a few fish too. I had gopro footage but after reviewing them, I deem them improper for posting haha. You would just think that we are all alcoholic college students who's only mission that weekend was alcohol poisoning.
Now for the fishing half, I honestly spent very little time fishing but when I did fish, I did fairly well. First fish was a catfish on a lil piece of my hamburger meat that fell in the sand, pretty close to 4#. Second fish was a carp on a piece of bread. This one I saw about 15' down and dropped it right in front of his face and wham! Ended up being about 3#. Next fish was a very small smallmouth on a kroc spoon trolling over some underwater rock formations. Not even a #. The next fish was a much nicer smally on a evening popper. Very slow twitches in about 5' of water parallel to shore. It was about 2.5# and my first legal smally so I was pumped. The 5th and last fish came on the same popper about 5' of water next to some submerged trees. Same technique of very very slow twitches. About 2# largemouth.
So my first and second day was strictly deepwater striper fishing that resulted in ZERO fish (wouldve helped if my elite 4 hdi came in already). But as stated before, on the third day, I pulled in 5 fish between the hours of 4pm and 6pm. All fish were caught in swallow cove (giggity). Ill put up the few fish pics I have when I get them, some I know were too dark to see. Cant wait to go back again
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