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Old 03-29-2014, 01:01 PM   #3
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Some people love their coffee grinders and I say more power to them.

Personally, I mostly prefer conventional gear for saltwater, I feel they are so much more versatile. My recommendation, no offense I hope, is to learn how to cast. Don't throw the rod, it is more if a pivoting motion with the rod. Start wih gentle tosses and learn to feel the rod loading up. As you get comfortable, put more power in it. Start at the 10:00 position and end at the 2:00 position, have about 2-4 of line out when you cast. When your jig reacges the apex in the air start slowing down the line and stop the line just as, or even before, your jig hits the water.

Even if you buy a coffee grinder you should still take the time to get comfortable with the conventional gear.
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