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Old 04-19-2014, 04:37 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
I like to know when was the last time you replace any parts on the mirage drive? Also how many days you put on the mirage drive before any failure occur. Kinda want to gage the factor of repair before I start buying parts to keep in the kayak. Or if anyone can help with these answers. 1st time owning a hobie.
My mirage drive is about 3 years old, first time i replaced the masts. I broke one of the crank arms, idler pulley, changed out the drive cables, idler cable, changed out the drums....and thats about it. I use it at least once or twice a week.

As far as failure of just never know. It could happen at any time, to anyone. Anybody that has a used drive and you dont know the history of ...would make me nervous. Its expensive but a good investment. You never know when you can help yourself or someone else with a critical spare part.

To any other PA owners out there that only go fishing with a half a yourself a favor and take the other half...otherwise your up shit creek with....only half a know 1 legged man in an ass kickn get the picture.

Yes PAs are hard to paddle...but if your drive breaks....its your only way of getting home under your own power.
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